2023 Audobon society bird count
Every year since I can remember, the National Audubon Society has representatives from FSU come to Iamonia Farms to count birds as part of a local analysis.
I clearly must have reached a benchmark of adulthood, because all of a sudden my fascination with birdwatching is awakened. Watching the bird-counters drive around used to be a routine occurrence that I didn’t pay much mind to, but here I am in my 30’s, absolutely gripped by the spreadsheet of different bird species they encountered.
In our zone, the team counted a total of 939 birds this year and were able to identify 66 different species. This was the highest bird count in 17 years, and the 3rd highest species count.
Some of our favorites from this year’s tally included Wild Turkeys, Mourning Doves, Ruby-Crowned Kinglets, a Coopers Hawk, Great Horned Owls, Bald Eagles, Great Blue Herons, and Pileated Woodpeckers.
We are thrilled that access to the Farm helps researches relay this information to other organizations and scientists to analyze the bird populations of North Florida.