Holiday table anatomy hack
As someone who loves entertaining, I adore the holidays. It gives me a reason to spruce up my dining room table and fill the house with seasonal touches! But, I know that the holidays can also be overwhelming for hosts and guests alike.
In our family, and likely many others, Thanksgiving has the most pomp and circumstance of any meal, all year! There are the signature dishes, the gathering of family members from near and far, a degree of expectation about manners and formalities, and of course navigating the table…and the conversations that happen around that table :)
Whether you’re a guest at someone else’s table this year or a host preparing your own table for a feast, I have a simple trick to help you remember the anatomy of the holiday table. I can guarantee that you’ll never mistakenly steal off your neighbor’s bread plate again!
Make an “OKAY” sign with both of your hands. Your left hand will resemble a “B” for BREAD and your right hand will resemble a “D” for DRINK.
Happy (almost) Turkey Day, y’all!